Check the data mapping between HESA and Register trainee teachers

Use the table to check how data maps between HESA and Register trainee teachers (Register) for the 2024 to 2025 academic year.

Where possible, these tables follow the same order as the CSV export and a trainee’s record in Register.

Personal details
Register CSV column Register field in the service HESA field More information
first_names Full name FNAMES (forenames) A trainee’s first name and middle name (if they have one) will go into the Register CSV column called ‘first_names’. The column ‘middle_names’ will be empty.
last_names Full name SURNAME (family name)
date_of_birth Date of birth BIRTHDTE (date of birth)
sex Sex SEXID (sex identifier) HESA code 96 ‘Information refused’ imports into Register as ‘Prefer not to say’

HESA code 99 ‘Not available’ imports into Register as ‘Gender not provided’
nationality Nationality NATION (nationality)
email_address Email address NQTEMAIL (email addresses) This must be a current personal email address and not a university email address.
Ethnicity ETHNIC (ethnicity)
Disability DISABLE (disability)
number_of_degrees degree_1_subject Subject (within personal details and education) DEGSBJ (previous degree subject) Register only supports 1 degree subject at the moment. If you add multiple subjects for a trainee’s degree, Register will take the first one.
degree_1_type_non_uk degree_1_type_uk (for UK degrees only) Degree type DEGTYPE (previous degree type) The CSV export from Register does not display degree types with ‘Honours’. For example, in HESA a BEd is code 001 and a BEd (Hons) is code 002. Both these codes will show as ‘Bachelor of Education’ in the CSV.
degree_1_awarding_institution Awarding institution DEGEST (previous degree establishment)
Country DEGCTRY (previous degree country) The ‘degree_1_uk_or_non_uk’ column in the Register CSV will show as ‘UK’ when the following HESA codes are used:
XF England
XG Northern Ireland
XH Scotland
XI Wales
XK United Kingdom, not otherwise specified

The ‘degree_1_country’ column in the Register CSV will only populate with countries outside the UK.
degree_1_grade Grade DEGCLSS (previous degree class) This information will only show in the Register service and CSV for UK degrees.
degree_1_graduation_year Graduation year DEGENDDT (previous degree end date) Register will show the year the trainee graduated from their degree. For example, 2010.