Register API reference

This API allows you to access information about trainees and provides endpoints to update and create trainee data.


API versioning strategy

Find out about how we make updates to the API, including:

  • the difference between breaking and non-breaking changes
  • how the API version number reflects changes
  • using the correct version of the API

Developing on the API


The OpenAPI spec for this API is available in YAML format.


All requests must be accompanied by an Authorization request header (not as part of the URL) in the following format:

Authorization: Bearer {token}

Unauthenticated requests will receive an UnauthorizedResponse with a 401 status code.

Authentication tokens will be provided by the Register team.


GET /info

Provides general information about the API.


GET /api/v1.0-pre/info

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - Information about the API status
      "status": "ok"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"

GET /trainees

Get many trainees.

Note that this endpoint always returns the trainees for a single academic cycle. If no academic cycle parameter is specified we return trainees in the current academic cycle.


GET /api/v1.0-pre/trainees


Parameter In Type Required Description
academic_cycle query string false The academic cycle year (default is the current academic cycle).
status query string false Include only trainees with a particular status. Valid values are course_not_yet_started, in_training, deferred, awarded, withdrawn
since query string false Include only trainees changed or created on or since a date and time. DateTimes should be in ISO 8601 format.
has_trn query boolean false Include only trainees with or without a trn
page query integer false Page number (defaults to 1, the first page).
per_page query integer false Number of records to return per page (default is 50)
sort_order query string false Sort in ascending or descending order. Valid values are asc or desc (default is desc)

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - An array of trainees
      "data": [
          "trainee_id": "vcGjpBCn987jJSqMQxjhdv9Y",
          "provider_trainee_id": "abc1234",
          "first_names": "Trainee",
          "last_name": "TraineeUser644065",
          "date_of_birth": "2000-01-01",
          "created_at": "2023-10-20T14:54:47.374Z",
          "updated_at": "2024-01-24T16:03:28.721Z",
          "email": "",
          "middle_names": null,
          "training_route": "11",
          "sex": "10",
          "diversity_disclosure": "diversity_disclosed",
          "ethnic_group": "black_ethnic_group",
          "ethnic_background": "African",
          "additional_ethnic_background": null,
          "disability_disclosure": "no_disability",
          "course_subject_one": "100425",
          "itt_start_date": "2023-09-04",
          "outcome_date": null,
          "itt_end_date": "2023-10-17",
          "trn": "6440650",
          "submitted_for_trn_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.420Z",
          "state": "deferred",
          "withdraw_date": null,
          "defer_date": "2023-10-17",
          "recommended_for_award_at": null,
          "trainee_start_date": "2023-09-04",
          "reinstate_date": null,
          "course_min_age": 5,
          "course_max_age": 11,
          "course_subject_two": null,
          "course_subject_three": null,
          "awarded_at": null,
          "training_initiative": "009",
          "applying_for_bursary": false,
          "bursary_tier": null,
          "study_mode": "01",
          "ebacc": false,
          "region": null,
          "applying_for_scholarship": false,
          "course_education_phase": "primary",
          "applying_for_grant": false,
          "course_uuid": null,
          "lead_partner_not_applicable": false,
          "employing_school_not_applicable": false,
          "submission_ready": true,
          "commencement_status": null,
          "discarded_at": null,
          "created_from_dttp": false,
          "hesa_id": "87960005710008762",
          "additional_dttp_data": null,
          "created_from_hesa": false,
          "hesa_updated_at": null
          "record_source": "api",
          "iqts_country": null,
          "hesa_editable": true,
          "withdraw_reasons_dfe_details": null,
          "placement_detail": null,
          "ukprn": "10000571",
          "ethnicity": "120",
          "course_qualification": "QTS",
          "course_title": null,
          "course_level": "undergrad",
          "course_itt_start_date": "2022-09-01",
          "course_age_range": "13914",
          "expected_end_date": "2023-07-01",
          "employing_school_urn": null,
          "lead_partner_ukprn": null,
          "lead_partner_urn": null,
          "fund_code": "7",
          "bursary_level": "4",
          "course_year": "2",
          "funding_method": "4",
          "itt_aim": "201",
          "itt_qualification_aim": "004",
          "ni_number": null,
          "previous_last_name": null,
          "hesa_disabilities": null,
          "additional_training_initiative": null,
          "withdrawal_future_interest": null,
          "withdrawal_trigger": null,
          "withdrawal_reasons": null,
          "withdrawal_another_reason": null,
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "No trainees found"
HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity
      "message": "Validation failed: 1 error prohibited this request being run",
      "errors": {
        "status": [
          "busy is not a valid status"

GET /trainees/{trainee_id}

Get a single trainee.


GET /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A trainee
      "data": {
        "trainee_id": "vcGjpBCn987jJSqMQxjhdv9Y",
        "provider_trainee_id": "abc1234",
        "first_names": "Trainee",
        "last_name": "TraineeUser644065",
        "date_of_birth": "2000-01-01",
        "created_at": "2023-10-20T14:54:47.374Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-24T16:03:28.721Z",
        "email": "",
        "middle_names": null,
        "training_route": "11",
        "sex": "10",
        "diversity_disclosure": "diversity_disclosed",
        "ethnic_group": "black_ethnic_group",
        "ethnic_background": "African",
        "additional_ethnic_background": null,
        "disability_disclosure": "no_disability",
        "course_subject_one": "100425",
        "itt_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "outcome_date": null,
        "itt_end_date": "2023-10-17",
        "trn": "6440650",
        "submitted_for_trn_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.420Z",
        "state": "deferred",
        "withdraw_date": null,
        "defer_date": "2023-10-17",
        "recommended_for_award_at": null,
        "trainee_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "reinstate_date": null,
        "course_min_age": 5,
        "course_max_age": 11,
        "course_subject_two": null,
        "course_subject_three": null,
        "awarded_at": null,
        "training_initiative": "009",
        "applying_for_bursary": false,
        "bursary_tier": null,
        "study_mode": "01",
        "ebacc": false,
        "region": null,
        "applying_for_scholarship": false,
        "course_education_phase": "primary",
        "applying_for_grant": false,
        "course_uuid": null,
        "lead_partner_not_applicable": false,
        "employing_school_not_applicable": false,
        "submission_ready": true,
        "commencement_status": null,
        "discarded_at": null,
        "created_from_dttp": false,
        "hesa_id": "87960005710008762",
        "additional_dttp_data": null,
        "created_from_hesa": false,
        "hesa_updated_at": null
        "record_source": "api",
        "iqts_country": null,
        "hesa_editable": true,
        "withdraw_reasons_dfe_details": null,
        "placement_detail": null,
        "ukprn": "10000571",
        "ethnicity": "120",
        "course_qualification": "QTS",
        "course_title": null,
        "course_level": "undergrad",
        "course_itt_start_date": "2022-09-01",
        "course_age_range": "13914",
        "expected_end_date": "2023-07-01",
        "employing_school_urn": null,
        "lead_partner_ukprn": null,
        "lead_partner_urn": null,
        "fund_code": "7",
        "bursary_level": "4",
        "course_year": "2",
        "funding_method": "4",
        "itt_aim": "201",
        "itt_qualification_aim": "004",
        "ni_number": null,
        "previous_last_name": null,
        "hesa_disabilities": null,
        "additional_training_initiative": null,
        "withdrawal_future_interest": null,
        "withdrawal_trigger": null,
        "withdrawal_reasons": null,
        "withdrawal_another_reason": null,
        "placements": [
            "placement_id": "AXsRAS4LfwZZXvSX7aAfNUb4",
            "urn": "123456",
            "name": "Meadow Creek School",
            "address": "URN 123456, AB1 2CD",
            "postcode": "AB1 2CD",
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z"
        "degrees": [
            "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
            "uk_degree": "083",
            "non_uk_degree": null,
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "subject": "100425",
            "institution": "0116",
            "graduation_year": 2022,
            "grade": "02",
            "country": null,
            "other_grade": null,
            "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
            "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Trainee(s) not found"

GET /trainees/{trainee_id}/placements

Get many placements for a trainee.


GET /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/placements


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - An array of placements
      "data": [
          "placement_id": "AXsRAS4LfwZZXvSX7aAfNUb4",
          "school_id": 26214,
          "urn": "123456",
          "name": "Meadow Creek School",
          "postcode": "AB1 2CD",
          "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z",
          "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Trainee(s) not found"

GET /trainees/{trainee_id}/placements/{placement_id}

Get a single placement for a trainee.


GET /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/placements/{placement_id}


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee
placement_id path string true The unique ID of the placement

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A placement
      "data": {
        "placement_id": "AXsRAS4LfwZZXvSX7aAfNUb4",
        "school_id": 26214,
        "urn": "123456",
        "name": "Meadow Creek School",
        "postcode": "AB1 2CD",
        "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Placement(s) not found"

GET /trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees

Get many degrees for a trainee.


GET /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - An array of degrees
      "data": [
          "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
          "uk_degree": "083",
          "non_uk_degree": null,
          "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
          "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
          "subject": "100425",
          "institution": "0116",
          "graduation_year": 2022,
          "grade": "02",
          "country": null,
          "other_grade": null,
          "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
          "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
          "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
          "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Degree(s) not found"

GET /trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees/{degree_id}

Get a single degree for a trainee.


GET /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees/{degree_id}


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee
degree_id path string true The unique ID of the degree

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A degree
      "data": {
        "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
        "uk_degree": "083",
        "non_uk_degree": null,
        "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
        "subject": "100425",
        "institution": "0116",
        "graduation_year": 2022,
        "grade": "02",
        "country": null,
        "other_grade": null,
        "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
        "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
        "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
        "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Degree(s) not found"

POST /trainees

Create a trainee.


POST /api/v1.0-pre/trainees

Request body

Trainee details


Trainee object with nested Placement and Degree objects

Example request body
      "data": {
        "first_names": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "previous_last_name": "Smith",
        "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01",
        "sex": "99",
        "email": "",
        "nationality": "GB",
        "training_route": "11",
        "itt_start_date": "2023-01-01",
        "itt_end_date": "2023-10-01",
        "course_subject_one": "100346",
        "study_mode": "63",
        "disability1": "58",
        "disability2": "57",
        "degrees_attributes": [
            "grade": "02",
            "subject": "100485",
            "institution": "0117",
            "uk_degree": "083",
            "graduation_year": "2003"
        "placements_attributes": [
            "name": "Placement",
            "urn": "900020"
        "itt_aim": 202,
        "itt_qualification_aim": "001",
        "course_year": "1",
        "course_age_range": "13913",
        "fund_code": "7",
        "funding_method": "4",
        "hesa_id": "0310261553101",
        "provider_trainee_id": "99157234/2/01",
        "pg_apprenticeship_start_date": "2024-03-11",
        "ethnicity": "142",
        "course_subject_two": "101410",
        "course_subject_three": "100366",
        "employing_school_urn": "790928",
        "ethnic_group": "mixed_ethnic_group",
        "ethnic_background": "Another Mixed background",
        "lead_partner_urn": "900020"

Possible responses

HTTP 201 - A trainee
      "data": {
        "first_names": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01",
        "created_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.067Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.067Z",
        "email": "",
        "middle_names": null,
        "training_route": "11",
        "sex": "99",
        "diversity_disclosure": "diversity_disclosed",
        "ethnic_group": "mixed_ethnic_group",
        "ethnic_background": "Black Caribbean and White",
        "additional_ethnic_background": null,
        "disability_disclosure": "disabled",
        "course_subject_one": "100511",
        "itt_start_date": "2023-01-01",
        "outcome_date": null,
        "itt_end_date": "2023-10-01",
        "trn": null,
        "submitted_for_trn_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.345Z",
        "withdraw_date": null,
        "defer_date": null,
        "recommended_for_award_at": null,
        "trainee_start_date": "2023-01-01",
        "reinstate_date": null,
        "course_min_age": 5,
        "course_max_age": 11,
        "course_subject_two": "100346",
        "course_subject_three": "101410",
        "awarded_at": null,
        "training_initiative": null,
        "study_mode": "63",
        "ebacc": false,
        "region": null,
        "course_education_phase": "primary",
        "course_uuid": null,
        "lead_partner_not_applicable": true,
        "employing_school_not_applicable": true,
        "submission_ready": true,
        "commencement_status": null,
        "discarded_at": null,
        "created_from_dttp": false,
        "hesa_id": "0310261553101",
        "additional_dttp_data": null,
        "created_from_hesa": false,
        "hesa_updated_at": null,
        "record_source": "api",
        "iqts_country": null,
        "hesa_editable": false,
        "withdrawal_future_interest": null,
        "withdrawal_trigger": null,
        "withdrawal_reasons": null,
        "withdrawal_another_reason": null,
        "slug_sent_to_dqt_at": null,
        "placement_detail": null,
        "provider_trainee_id": "99157234/2/01",
        "ukprn": "81239124",
        "ethnicity": "142",
        "disability1": "58",
        "disability2": "57",
        "course_qualification": "QTS",
        "course_title": null,
        "course_level": "undergrad",
        "course_itt_start_date": "2023-01-01",
        "course_age_range": "13914",
        "expected_end_date": "2023-10-01",
        "employing_school_urn": null,
        "lead_partner_ukprn": null,
        "lead_partner_urn": null,
        "fund_code": "7",
        "bursary_level": "4",
        "previous_last_name": "Smith",
        "itt_aim": "202",
        "course_study_mode": "63",
        "course_year": "1",
        "pg_apprenticeship_start_date": "2024-03-11",
        "funding_method": "4",
        "ni_number": null,
        "additional_training_initiative": null,
        "itt_qualification_aim": "001",
        "hesa_disabilities": {
          "disability1": "58",
          "disability2": "57"
        "nationality": "GB",
        "withdraw_reasons": [],
        "placements": [
            "urn": "900020",
            "name": "London School",
            "address": "URN 900020",
            "postcode": null,
            "created_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.090Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.090Z",
            "placement_id": "D8VsiEck1ueqigL1Pu9ESAaR"
        "degrees": [
            "uk_degree": "083",
            "non_uk_degree": null,
            "created_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.069Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.069Z",
            "subject": "100485",
            "institution": "0117",
            "graduation_year": 2003,
            "grade": "02",
            "country": null,
            "other_grade": null,
            "institution_uuid": "1271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "uk_degree_uuid": "1b6a5652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "subject_uuid": "e78170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
            "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f",
            "degree_id": "cPTm9iXPbLzER8UqReEFGvNn"
        "state": "submitted_for_trn",
        "trainee_id": "EMHhWRF33g53PReREX6rdPwd",
        "application_id": null
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 409 - Conflict
      "errors": [
          "error": "Conflict",
          "message": "This trainee is already in Register"
      "data": [
          "first_names": "John",
          "last_name": "Doe",
          "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01",
          "created_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.067Z",
          "updated_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.067Z",
          "email": "",
          "middle_names": null,
          "training_route": "11",
          "sex": "99",
          "diversity_disclosure": "diversity_disclosed",
          "ethnic_group": "mixed_ethnic_group",
          "ethnic_background": "Black Caribbean and White",
          "additional_ethnic_background": null,
          "disability_disclosure": "disabled",
          "course_subject_one": "100511",
          "itt_start_date": "2023-01-01",
          "outcome_date": null,
          "itt_end_date": "2023-10-01",
          "trn": null,
          "submitted_for_trn_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.345Z",
          "withdraw_date": null,
          "defer_date": null,
          "recommended_for_award_at": null,
          "trainee_start_date": "2023-01-01",
          "reinstate_date": null,
          "course_min_age": 5,
          "course_max_age": 11,
          "course_subject_two": "100346",
          "course_subject_three": "101410",
          "awarded_at": null,
          "training_initiative": null,
          "study_mode": "63",
          "ebacc": false,
          "region": null,
          "course_education_phase": "primary",
          "course_uuid": null,
          "lead_partner_not_applicable": true,
          "employing_school_not_applicable": true,
          "submission_ready": true,
          "commencement_status": null,
          "discarded_at": null,
          "created_from_dttp": false,
          "hesa_id": "0310261553101",
          "additional_dttp_data": null,
          "created_from_hesa": false,
          "hesa_updated_at": null,
          "record_source": "api",
          "iqts_country": null,
          "hesa_editable": false,
          "withdraw_reasons_dfe_details": null,
          "slug_sent_to_dqt_at": null,
          "placement_detail": null,
          "provider_trainee_id": "99157234/2/01",
          "ukprn": "81239124",
          "ethnicity": "142",
          "disability1": "58",
          "disability2": "57",
          "course_qualification": "QTS",
          "course_title": null,
          "course_level": "undergrad",
          "course_itt_start_date": "2023-01-01",
          "course_age_range": "13914",
          "expected_end_date": "2023-10-01",
          "employing_school_urn": null,
          "lead_partner_ukprn": null,
          "lead_partner_urn": null,
          "fund_code": "7",
          "bursary_level": "4",
          "previous_last_name": "Smith",
          "itt_aim": "202",
          "course_study_mode": "63",
          "course_year": "1",
          "pg_apprenticeship_start_date": "2024-03-11",
          "funding_method": "4",
          "ni_number": null,
          "additional_training_initiative": null,
          "itt_qualification_aim": "001",
          "hesa_disabilities": {
            "disability1": "58",
            "disability2": "57"
          "nationality": "GB",
          "withdraw_reasons": [],
          "placements": [
              "urn": "900020",
              "name": "London School",
              "address": "URN 900020",
              "postcode": null,
              "created_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.090Z",
              "updated_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.090Z",
              "placement_id": "D8VsiEck1ueqigL1Pu9ESAaR"
          "degrees": [
              "uk_degree": "083",
              "non_uk_degree": null,
              "created_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.069Z",
              "updated_at": "2024-09-11T15:12:45.069Z",
              "subject": "100485",
              "institution": "0117",
              "graduation_year": 2003,
              "grade": "02",
              "country": null,
              "other_grade": null,
              "institution_uuid": "1271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
              "uk_degree_uuid": "1b6a5652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
              "subject_uuid": "e78170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
              "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f",
              "degree_id": "cPTm9iXPbLzER8UqReEFGvNn"
          "state": "submitted_for_trn",
          "trainee_id": "EMHhWRF33g53PReREX6rdPwd",
          "application_id": null
HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity
      "errors": [
          "error": "UnprocessableEntity",
          "message": "First names can't be blank"

Trainee duplication validations

When creating a trainee, a duplication validation is performed to ensure that duplicate trainees are not created. A trainee will be flagged as a duplicate if:

  • there is an exact match on date_of_birth and training_route and last_name (ignoring case)
  • and their start date (based on trainee_start_date or itt_start_date) is in the same academic year
  • and there is a match on either first_names (ignoring case, punctuation, and special characters) or email (ignoring case)

If the new trainee is flagged as a duplicate, an error message will be returned indicating it is a duplicate.

This validation ensures that duplicate trainee records are not created, and helps to maintain the data accuracy and data integrity.

POST /trainees/{trainee_id}/placements

Create a placement for this trainee.


POST /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/placements


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee

Request body

Placement details


Placement object

Example request body
      "data": {
        "urn": "343452",
        "name": "Oxford School",
        "postcode": "OX1 1AA"

Possible responses

HTTP 201 - A placement
      "data": {
        "placement_id": "AXsRAS4LfwZZXvSX7aAfNUb4",
        "school_id": 26214,
        "urn": "123456",
        "name": "Meadow Creek School",
        "postcode": "AB1 2CD",
        "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Trainee(s) not found"
HTTP 409 - Conflict
      "errors": [
          "error": "Conflict",
          "message": "Urn has already been taken"
      "data": [
          "urn": "896801",
          "name": "existing placement",
          "address": "URN 896801, ZV24 7ET",
          "postcode": "ZV24 7ET",
          "created_at": "2025-02-17T16:07:07.856Z",
          "updated_at": "2025-02-17T16:07:07.873Z",
          "placement_id": "fpe10ornjexqakjg4sgzjyhj"
HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity
      "errors": [
          "error": "UnprocessableEntity",
          "message": "Name can't be blank"

Placement duplication validations

When creating a placement, a duplication validation is performed to ensure that duplicate placements are not created. This validation checks the following fields:

  • urn

If a placement with the same urn already exists for the same trainee, it is considered a duplicate and will return an error message indicating already been taken.

This validation ensures that duplicate placement records for the same trainee are not created, and helps to maintain the data accuracy and data integrity.

POST /trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees

Create a degree for this trainee.


POST /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee

Request body

Degree details


Degree object

Example request body
    "data": {
      "grade": "02",
      "subject": "100425",
      "institution": "0117",
      "uk_degree": "083",
      "graduation_year": "2015-01-01",
      "country": "GB"

Possible responses

HTTP 201 - A degree
      "data": [
          "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
          "uk_degree": "083",
          "non_uk_degree": null,
          "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
          "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
          "subject": "100425",
          "institution": "0116",
          "graduation_year": 2022,
          "grade": "02",
          "country": null,
          "other_grade": null,
          "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
          "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
          "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
          "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Trainee(s) not found"
HTTP 409 - Conflict
      "errors": [
          "error": "Conflict",
          "message": "This is a duplicate degree"
      "data": [
          "uk_degree": null,
          "non_uk_degree": null,
          "created_at": "2025-02-17T15:43:01.197Z",
          "updated_at": "2025-02-17T15:43:01.197Z",
          "subject": "100734",
          "institution": "0023",
          "graduation_year": 2022,
          "grade": "01",
          "country": null,
          "other_grade": null,
          "institution_uuid": "dc70f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
          "uk_degree_uuid": "3e042de2-a453-47dc-9452-90a23399e9ee",
          "subject_uuid": "338370f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
          "grade_uuid": "8741765a-13d8-4550-a413-c5a860a59d25",
          "degree_id": "ao53fi469ar7kjfc04uys0dc"
HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity
      "errors": [
          "error": "UnprocessableEntity",
          "message": "Param is missing or the value is empty: data"

Degree duplication validations

When creating a degree, a duplication validation is performed to ensure that duplicate degrees are not created. This validation checks the following fields:

  • subject
  • graduation_year
  • country
  • uk_degree
  • non_uk_degree
  • grade

If a degree with these exact fields already exists, it is considered a duplicate.

This validation ensures that duplicate degree records for the same trainee are not created, and helps to maintain the data accuracy and data integrity.

POST /trainees/{trainee_id}/recommend-for-qts

Recommend a trainee for a QTS Award.


POST /api/v0.1/trainees/{trainee_id}/recommend-for-qts


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee

Request body

Recommendation details


string, required

The date when the Trainee met the QTS standards. Dates should be in ISO 8601 format.

Example: 2000-01-01

Example request body
      "data": {
        "qts_standards_met_date": "2024-06-17"

Possible responses

HTTP 202 - A trainee
      "data": {
        "trainee_id": "vcGjpBCn987jJSqMQxjhdv9Y",
        "provider_trainee_id": "abc1234",
        "first_names": "Trainee",
        "last_name": "TraineeUser644065",
        "date_of_birth": "2000-01-01",
        "created_at": "2023-10-20T14:54:47.374Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-24T16:03:28.721Z",
        "email": "",
        "middle_names": null,
        "training_route": "11",
        "sex": "10",
        "diversity_disclosure": "diversity_disclosed",
        "ethnic_group": "black_ethnic_group",
        "ethnic_background": "African",
        "additional_ethnic_background": null,
        "disability_disclosure": "no_disability",
        "course_subject_one": "100425",
        "itt_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "outcome_date": null,
        "itt_end_date": "2023-10-17",
        "trn": "6440650",
        "submitted_for_trn_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.420Z",
        "state": "recommended_for_award",
        "withdraw_date": null,
        "defer_date": "2023-10-17",
        "recommended_for_award_at": "2024-06-17T09:05:48Z",
        "trainee_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "reinstate_date": null,
        "course_min_age": 5,
        "course_max_age": 11,
        "course_subject_two": null,
        "course_subject_three": null,
        "awarded_at": null,
        "training_initiative": "009",
        "applying_for_bursary": false,
        "bursary_tier": null,
        "study_mode": "01",
        "ebacc": false,
        "region": null,
        "applying_for_scholarship": false,
        "course_education_phase": "primary",
        "applying_for_grant": false,
        "course_uuid": null,
        "lead_partner_not_applicable": false,
        "employing_school_not_applicable": false,
        "submission_ready": true,
        "commencement_status": null,
        "discarded_at": null,
        "created_from_dttp": false,
        "hesa_id": "87960005710008762",
        "additional_dttp_data": null,
        "created_from_hesa": false,
        "hesa_updated_at": null
        "record_source": "api",
        "iqts_country": null,
        "hesa_editable": true,
        "withdrawal_future_interest": null,
        "withdrawal_trigger": null,
        "withdrawal_reasons": null,
        "withdrawal_another_reason": null,
        "placement_detail": null,
        "ukprn": "10000571",
        "ethnicity": "120",
        "course_qualification": "QTS",
        "course_title": null,
        "course_level": "undergrad",
        "course_itt_start_date": "2022-09-01",
        "course_age_range": "13914",
        "expected_end_date": "2023-07-01",
        "employing_school_urn": null,
        "lead_partner_ukprn": null,
        "lead_partner_urn": null,
        "fund_code": "7",
        "bursary_level": "4",
        "course_year": "2",
        "funding_method": "4",
        "itt_aim": "201",
        "itt_qualification_aim": "004",
        "ni_number": null,
        "previous_last_name": null,
        "hesa_disabilities": null,
        "additional_training_initiative": null,
        "placements": [
            "placement_id": "AXsRAS4LfwZZXvSX7aAfNUb4",
            "urn": "123456",
            "name": "Meadow Creek School",
            "address": "URN 123456, AB1 2CD",
            "postcode": "AB1 2CD",
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z"
        "degrees": [
            "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
            "uk_degree": "083",
            "non_uk_degree": null,
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "subject": "100425",
            "institution": "0116",
            "graduation_year": 2022,
            "grade": "02",
            "country": null,
            "other_grade": null,
            "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
            "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Trainee(s) not found"
HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity
      "errors": [
          "error": "UnprocessableEntity",
          "message": "Qts standards met date can't be blank"

POST /trainees/{trainee_id}/defer

Defer a trainee.


POST /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/defer


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee

Request body

Deferral details


string, required

The date when the Trainee deferred. Dates should be in ISO 8601 format.

Example: 2000-01-01

Example request body
      "data": {
        "defer_date": "2024-06-17"

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A trainee
      "data": {
        "trainee_id": "vcGjpBCn987jJSqMQxjhdv9Y",
        "provider_trainee_id": "abc1234",
        "first_names": "Trainee",
        "last_name": "TraineeUser644065",
        "date_of_birth": "2000-01-01",
        "created_at": "2023-10-20T14:54:47.374Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-24T16:03:28.721Z",
        "email": "",
        "middle_names": null,
        "training_route": "11",
        "sex": "10",
        "diversity_disclosure": "diversity_disclosed",
        "ethnic_group": "black_ethnic_group",
        "ethnic_background": "African",
        "additional_ethnic_background": null,
        "disability_disclosure": "no_disability",
        "course_subject_one": "100425",
        "itt_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "outcome_date": null,
        "itt_end_date": "2023-10-17",
        "trn": "6440650",
        "submitted_for_trn_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.420Z",
        "state": "recommended_for_award",
        "withdraw_date": null,
        "defer_date": "2024-06-17",
        "recommended_for_award_at": nil,
        "trainee_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "reinstate_date": null,
        "course_min_age": 5,
        "course_max_age": 11,
        "course_subject_two": null,
        "course_subject_three": null,
        "awarded_at": null,
        "training_initiative": "009",
        "applying_for_bursary": false,
        "bursary_tier": null,
        "study_mode": "01",
        "ebacc": false,
        "region": null,
        "applying_for_scholarship": false,
        "course_education_phase": "primary",
        "applying_for_grant": false,
        "course_uuid": null,
        "lead_partner_not_applicable": false,
        "employing_school_not_applicable": false,
        "submission_ready": true,
        "commencement_status": null,
        "discarded_at": null,
        "created_from_dttp": false,
        "hesa_id": "87960005710008762",
        "additional_dttp_data": null,
        "created_from_hesa": false,
        "hesa_updated_at": null
        "record_source": "api",
        "iqts_country": null,
        "hesa_editable": true,
        "withdrawal_future_interest": null,
        "withdrawal_trigger": null,
        "withdrawal_reasons": null,
        "withdrawal_another_reason": null,
        "placement_detail": null,
        "ukprn": "10000571",
        "ethnicity": "120",
        "course_qualification": "QTS",
        "course_title": null,
        "course_level": "undergrad",
        "course_itt_start_date": "2022-09-01",
        "course_age_range": null,
        "expected_end_date": "2023-07-01",
        "employing_school_urn": null,
        "lead_partner_ukprn": null,
        "lead_partner_urn": null,
        "fund_code": "7",
        "bursary_level": "4",
        "course_year": "2",
        "funding_method": "4",
        "itt_aim": "201",
        "itt_qualification_aim": "004",
        "ni_number": null,
        "previous_last_name": null,
        "hesa_disabilities": null,
        "additional_training_initiative": null,
        "placements": [
            "placement_id": "AXsRAS4LfwZZXvSX7aAfNUb4",
            "urn": "123456",
            "name": "Meadow Creek School",
            "address": "URN 123456, AB1 2CD",
            "postcode": "AB1 2CD",
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z"
        "degrees": [
            "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
            "uk_degree": "083",
            "non_uk_degree": null,
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "subject": "100425",
            "institution": "0116",
            "graduation_year": 2022,
            "grade": "02",
            "country": null,
            "other_grade": null,
            "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
            "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Trainee(s) not found"
HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity
      "errors": [
          "error": "UnprocessableEntity",
          "message": "Defer date can't be blank"

POST /trainees/{trainee_id}/withdraw

Withdraw a trainee.


POST /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/withdraw


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee

Request body

Withdraw details


string, required

The party who initiated the withdrawal. Must be either provider or trainee.

Example: provider


string, required

Whether the trainee would be interested in resuming training in the future. Must be either yes, no or unknown.

Example: no


string, required

The date that the trainee is withdrawing from the course.

Example: 2025-02-03


array, required

The reason(s) for the withdrawal. Valid values with trigger trainee are unacceptable_behaviour, did_not_make_progress, lack_of_progress_during_placements, trainee_workload_issues, not_meeting_qts_standards, change_in_personal_or_health_circumstances, does_not_want_to_become_a_teacher, never_intended_to_obtain_qts, moved_to_different_itt_course, trainee_chose_to_withdraw_another_reason. Valid values with trigger provider are record_added_in_error, mandatory_reasons, stopped_responding_to_messages, unacceptable_behaviour, lack_of_progress_during_placements, did_not_make_progress, not_meeting_qts_standards, had_to_withdraw_trainee_another_reason.

Example: [`unacceptable_behaviour`]


string, conditional

The reason a trainee withdrew if the other values do not sufficiently describe why the trainee withdrew. Required if reasons include trainee_chose_to_withdraw_another_reason or had_to_withdraw_trainee_another_reason.

Example: Bespoke reason

Example request body
      "data": {
        "trigger": "provider,
        "future_interest": "no",
        "withdraw_date": "2025-03-05",
        "reasons": [
        "another_reason": "Bespoke reason"

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A trainee
      "data": {
        "trainee_id": "vcGjpBCn987jJSqMQxjhdv9Y",
        "provider_trainee_id": "abc1234",
        "first_names": "Trainee",
        "last_name": "TraineeUser644065",
        "date_of_birth": "2000-01-01",
        "created_at": "2023-10-20T14:54:47.374Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-24T16:03:28.721Z",
        "email": "",
        "middle_names": null,
        "training_route": "11",
        "sex": "10",
        "diversity_disclosure": "diversity_disclosed",
        "ethnic_group": "black_ethnic_group",
        "ethnic_background": "African",
        "additional_ethnic_background": null,
        "disability_disclosure": "no_disability",
        "course_subject_one": "100425",
        "itt_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "outcome_date": null,
        "itt_end_date": "2023-10-17",
        "trn": "6440650",
        "submitted_for_trn_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.420Z",
        "state": "deferred",
        "withdraw_date": null,
        "defer_date": "2023-10-17",
        "recommended_for_award_at": null,
        "trainee_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "reinstate_date": null,
        "course_min_age": 5,
        "course_max_age": 11,
        "course_subject_two": null,
        "course_subject_three": null,
        "awarded_at": null,
        "training_initiative": "009",
        "applying_for_bursary": false,
        "bursary_tier": null,
        "study_mode": "01",
        "ebacc": false,
        "region": null,
        "applying_for_scholarship": false,
        "course_education_phase": "primary",
        "applying_for_grant": false,
        "course_uuid": null,
        "lead_partner_not_applicable": false,
        "employing_school_not_applicable": false,
        "submission_ready": true,
        "commencement_status": null,
        "discarded_at": null,
        "created_from_dttp": false,
        "hesa_id": "87960005710008762",
        "additional_dttp_data": null,
        "created_from_hesa": false,
        "hesa_updated_at": null
        "record_source": "api",
        "iqts_country": null,
        "hesa_editable": true,
        "withdrawal_future_interest": null,
        "withdrawal_trigger": null,
        "withdrawal_reasons": null,
        "placement_detail": null,
        "ukprn": "10000571",
        "ethnicity": "120",
        "course_qualification": "QTS",
        "course_title": null,
        "course_level": "undergrad",
        "course_itt_start_date": "2022-09-01",
        "course_age_range": null,
        "expected_end_date": "2023-07-01",
        "employing_school_urn": null,
        "lead_partner_ukprn": null,
        "lead_partner_urn": null,
        "fund_code": "7",
        "bursary_level": "4",
        "course_year": "2",
        "funding_method": "4",
        "itt_aim": "201",
        "itt_qualification_aim": "004",
        "ni_number": null,
        "previous_last_name": null,
        "hesa_disabilities": null,
        "additional_training_initiative": null,
        "placements": [
            "placement_id": "AXsRAS4LfwZZXvSX7aAfNUb4",
            "urn": "123456",
            "name": "Meadow Creek School",
            "address": "URN 123456, AB1 2CD",
            "postcode": "AB1 2CD",
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z"
        "degrees": [
            "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
            "uk_degree": "083",
            "non_uk_degree": null,
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "subject": "100425",
            "institution": "0116",
            "graduation_year": 2022,
            "grade": "02",
            "country": null,
            "other_grade": null,
            "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
            "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Trainee(s) not found"
HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity
      "errors": [
          "error": "UnprocessableEntity",
          "message": "Withdraw date Choose a withdrawal date"

DELETE /trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees/{degree_id}

Deletes an existing degree for this trainee.


DELETE /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees/{degree_id}


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee
degree_id path string true The unique ID of the degree

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A trainee
      "data": {
        "trainee_id": "vcGjpBCn987jJSqMQxjhdv9Y",
        "provider_trainee_id": "abc1234",
        "first_names": "Trainee",
        "last_name": "TraineeUser644065",
        "date_of_birth": "2000-01-01",
        "created_at": "2023-10-20T14:54:47.374Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-24T16:03:28.721Z",
        "email": "",
        "middle_names": null,
        "training_route": "11",
        "sex": "10",
        "diversity_disclosure": "diversity_disclosed",
        "ethnic_group": "black_ethnic_group",
        "ethnic_background": "African",
        "additional_ethnic_background": null,
        "disability_disclosure": "no_disability",
        "course_subject_one": "100425",
        "itt_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "outcome_date": null,
        "itt_end_date": "2023-10-17",
        "trn": "6440650",
        "submitted_for_trn_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.420Z",
        "state": "deferred",
        "withdraw_date": null,
        "withdrawal_future_interest": null,
        "withdrawal_trigger": null,
        "withdrawal_reasons": null,
        "withdrawal_another_reason": null,
        "defer_date": "2023-10-17",
        "recommended_for_award_at": null,
        "trainee_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "reinstate_date": null,
        "course_min_age": 5,
        "course_max_age": 11,
        "course_subject_two": null,
        "course_subject_three": null,
        "awarded_at": null,
        "training_initiative": "009",
        "applying_for_bursary": false,
        "bursary_tier": null,
        "study_mode": "01",
        "ebacc": false,
        "region": null,
        "applying_for_scholarship": false,
        "course_education_phase": "primary",
        "applying_for_grant": false,
        "course_uuid": null,
        "lead_partner_not_applicable": false,
        "employing_school_not_applicable": false,
        "submission_ready": true,
        "commencement_status": null,
        "discarded_at": null,
        "created_from_dttp": false,
        "hesa_id": "87960005710008762",
        "additional_dttp_data": null,
        "created_from_hesa": false,
        "hesa_updated_at": null
        "record_source": "api",
        "iqts_country": null,
        "hesa_editable": true,
        "withdraw_reasons_dfe_details": null,
        "placement_detail": null,
        "ukprn": "10000571",
        "ethnicity": "120",
        "course_qualification": "QTS",
        "course_title": null,
        "course_level": "undergrad",
        "course_itt_start_date": "2022-09-01",
        "course_age_range": "13914",
        "expected_end_date": "2023-07-01",
        "employing_school_urn": null,
        "lead_partner_ukprn": null,
        "lead_partner_urn": null,
        "fund_code": "7",
        "bursary_level": "4",
        "course_year": "2",
        "funding_method": "4",
        "itt_aim": "201",
        "itt_qualification_aim": "004",
        "ni_number": null,
        "previous_last_name": null,
        "hesa_disabilities": null,
        "additional_training_initiative": null,
        "placements": [
            "placement_id": "AXsRAS4LfwZZXvSX7aAfNUb4",
            "urn": "123456",
            "name": "Meadow Creek School",
            "address": "URN 123456, AB1 2CD",
            "postcode": "AB1 2CD",
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z"
        "degrees": []
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Degree(s) not found"

PUT|PATCH /trainees/{trainee_id}

Updates an existing trainee.


PUT /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}


PATCH /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee

Request body

Trainee details


Trainee object

Example request body
      "data": {
        "first_names": "Ruby Joy"

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A trainee
      "data": {
        "trainee_id": "vcGjpBCn987jJSqMQxjhdv9Y",
        "provider_trainee_id": "abc1234",
        "first_names": "Trainee",
        "last_name": "TraineeUser644065",
        "date_of_birth": "2000-01-01",
        "created_at": "2023-10-20T14:54:47.374Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-24T16:03:28.721Z",
        "email": "",
        "middle_names": null,
        "training_route": "11",
        "sex": "10",
        "diversity_disclosure": "diversity_disclosed",
        "ethnic_group": "black_ethnic_group",
        "ethnic_background": "African",
        "additional_ethnic_background": null,
        "disability_disclosure": "no_disability",
        "course_subject_one": "100425",
        "itt_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "outcome_date": null,
        "itt_end_date": "2023-10-17",
        "trn": "6440650",
        "submitted_for_trn_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.420Z",
        "state": "deferred",
        "withdraw_date": null,
        "withdrawal_future_interest": null,
        "withdrawal_trigger": null,
        "withdrawal_reasons": null,
        "withdrawal_another_reason": null,
        "defer_date": "2023-10-17",
        "recommended_for_award_at": null,
        "trainee_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "reinstate_date": null,
        "course_min_age": 5,
        "course_max_age": 11,
        "course_subject_two": null,
        "course_subject_three": null,
        "awarded_at": null,
        "training_initiative": "009",
        "applying_for_bursary": false,
        "bursary_tier": null,
        "study_mode": "01",
        "ebacc": false,
        "region": null,
        "applying_for_scholarship": false,
        "course_education_phase": "primary",
        "applying_for_grant": false,
        "course_uuid": null,
        "lead_partner_not_applicable": false,
        "employing_school_not_applicable": false,
        "submission_ready": true,
        "commencement_status": null,
        "discarded_at": null,
        "created_from_dttp": false,
        "hesa_id": "87960005710008762",
        "additional_dttp_data": null,
        "created_from_hesa": false,
        "hesa_updated_at": null
        "record_source": "api",
        "iqts_country": null,
        "hesa_editable": true,
        "withdraw_reasons_dfe_details": null,
        "placement_detail": null,
        "ukprn": "10000571",
        "ethnicity": "120",
        "course_qualification": "QTS",
        "course_title": null,
        "course_level": "undergrad",
        "course_itt_start_date": "2022-09-01",
        "course_age_range": "13914",
        "expected_end_date": "2023-07-01",
        "employing_school_urn": null,
        "lead_partner_ukprn": null,
        "lead_partner_urn": null,
        "fund_code": "7",
        "bursary_level": "4",
        "course_year": "2",
        "funding_method": "4",
        "itt_aim": "201",
        "itt_qualification_aim": "004",
        "ni_number": null,
        "previous_last_name": null,
        "hesa_disabilities": null,
        "additional_training_initiative": null,
        "placements": [
            "placement_id": "AXsRAS4LfwZZXvSX7aAfNUb4",
            "urn": "123456",
            "name": "Meadow Creek School",
            "address": "URN 123456, AB1 2CD",
            "postcode": "AB1 2CD",
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z"
        "degrees": [
            "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
            "uk_degree": "083",
            "non_uk_degree": null,
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "subject": "100425",
            "institution": "0116",
            "graduation_year": 2022,
            "grade": "02",
            "country": null,
            "other_grade": null,
            "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
            "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Trainee(s) not found"
HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity
      "errors": [
          "error": "UnprocessableEntity",
          "message": "First names is too long (maximum is 60 characters)"

PUT|PATCH /trainees/{trainee_id}/placements/{placement_id}

Updates an existing placement for this trainee.


PUT /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/placements/{placement_id}


PATCH /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/placements/{placement_id}


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee
placement_id path string true The unique ID of the placement

Request body

Placement details


Placement object

Example request body
      "data": {
        "urn": "137523",
        "name": "Wellsway School"

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A placement
      "data": {
        "urn": "137523",
        "name": "Wellsway School",
        "address": "URN 137523",
        "postcode": null,
        "placement_id": 4fjxTZgHxFgzYrwB8L3UNRvM,
        "created_at": "2024-03-19T22:23:48.619Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-03-19T22:23:48.619Z"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Placement(s) not found"
HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity
      "errors": [
          "error": "UnprocessableEntity",
          "message": "Name can't be blank"

Placement duplication validations

When updating a placement, a duplication validation is performed to ensure that duplicate placements are not created. This validation checks the following fields:

  • urn

If a placement with the same urn exists for the same trainee, it is considered a duplicate and will return an error message indicating already been taken.

This validation ensures that duplicate placement records for the same trainee are not created, and helps to maintain the data accuracy and data integrity.

PUT|PATCH /trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees/{degree_id}

Updates an existing degree for this trainee.


PUT /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees/{degree_id}


PATCH /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees/{degree_id}


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee
degree_id path string true The unique ID of the degree

Request body

Degree details


Degree object

Example request body
      "data": {
        "grade": "Lower second-class honours (2:2)"

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A degree
      "data": {
        "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
        "uk_degree": "083",
        "non_uk_degree": null,
        "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
        "subject": "100425",
        "institution": "0116",
        "graduation_year": 2022,
        "grade": "02",
        "country": null,
        "other_grade": null,
        "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
        "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
        "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
        "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Degree(s) not found"
HTTP 409 - Conflict
      "errors": [
          "error": "Conflict",
          "message": "This is a duplicate degree"
      "data": [
          "uk_degree": null,
          "non_uk_degree": null,
          "created_at": "2025-02-17T15:43:01.197Z",
          "updated_at": "2025-02-17T15:43:01.197Z",
          "subject": "100734",
          "institution": "0023",
          "graduation_year": 2022,
          "grade": "01",
          "country": null,
          "other_grade": null,
          "institution_uuid": "dc70f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
          "uk_degree_uuid": "3e042de2-a453-47dc-9452-90a23399e9ee",
          "subject_uuid": "338370f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
          "grade_uuid": "8741765a-13d8-4550-a413-c5a860a59d25",
          "degree_id": "ao53fi469ar7kjfc04uys0dc"
HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity
      "errors": [
          "error": "UnprocessableEntity",
          "message": "Subject is not included in the list"

Degree duplication validations

When updating a degree, a duplication validation is performed to ensure that duplicate degrees are not created. This validation checks the following fields:

  • subject
  • graduation_year
  • country
  • uk_degree
  • non_uk_degree
  • grade

If a degree with these exact fields already exists, it is considered a duplicate.

This validation ensures that duplicate degree records for the same trainee are not created, and helps to maintain the data accuracy and data integrity.

DELETE /trainees/{trainee_id}/placements/{placement_id}

Deletes an existing placement for this trainee.


DELETE /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/placements/{placement_id}


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee
placement_id path string true The unique ID of the placement

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A trainee
      "data": {
        "trainee_id": "vcGjpBCn987jJSqMQxjhdv9Y",
        "provider_trainee_id": "abc1234",
        "first_names": "Trainee",
        "last_name": "TraineeUser644065",
        "date_of_birth": "2000-01-01",
        "created_at": "2023-10-20T14:54:47.374Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-01-24T16:03:28.721Z",
        "email": "",
        "middle_names": null,
        "training_route": "11",
        "sex": "10",
        "diversity_disclosure": "diversity_disclosed",
        "ethnic_group": "black_ethnic_group",
        "ethnic_background": "African",
        "additional_ethnic_background": null,
        "disability_disclosure": "no_disability",
        "course_subject_one": "100425",
        "itt_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "outcome_date": null,
        "itt_end_date": "2023-10-17",
        "trn": "6440650",
        "submitted_for_trn_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.420Z",
        "state": "deferred",
        "withdraw_date": null,
        "withdrawal_future_interest": null,
        "withdrawal_trigger": null,
        "withdrawal_reasons": null,
        "withdrawal_another_reason": null,
        "defer_date": "2023-10-17",
        "recommended_for_award_at": null,
        "trainee_start_date": "2023-09-04",
        "reinstate_date": null,
        "course_min_age": 5,
        "course_max_age": 11,
        "course_subject_two": null,
        "course_subject_three": null,
        "awarded_at": null,
        "training_initiative": "009",
        "applying_for_bursary": false,
        "bursary_tier": null,
        "study_mode": "01",
        "ebacc": false,
        "region": null,
        "applying_for_scholarship": false,
        "course_education_phase": "primary",
        "applying_for_grant": false,
        "course_uuid": null,
        "lead_partner_not_applicable": false,
        "employing_school_not_applicable": false,
        "submission_ready": true,
        "commencement_status": null,
        "discarded_at": null,
        "created_from_dttp": false,
        "hesa_id": "87960005710008762",
        "additional_dttp_data": null,
        "created_from_hesa": false,
        "hesa_updated_at": null
        "record_source": "api",
        "iqts_country": null,
        "hesa_editable": true,
        "withdraw_reasons_dfe_details": null,
        "placement_detail": null,
        "ukprn": "10000571",
        "ethnicity": "120",
        "course_qualification": "QTS",
        "course_title": null,
        "course_level": "undergrad",
        "course_itt_start_date": "2022-09-01",
        "course_age_range": null,
        "expected_end_date": "2023-07-01",
        "employing_school_urn": null,
        "lead_partner_ukprn": null,
        "lead_partner_urn": null,
        "fund_code": "7",
        "bursary_level": "4",
        "course_year": "2",
        "funding_method": "4",
        "itt_aim": "201",
        "itt_qualification_aim": "004",
        "ni_number": null,
        "previous_last_name": null,
        "hesa_disabilities": null,
        "additional_training_initiative": null,
        "placements": [
            "placement_id": "AXsRAS4LfwZZXvSX7aAfNUb4",
            "urn": "123456",
            "name": "Meadow Creek School",
            "address": "URN 123456, AB1 2CD",
            "postcode": "AB1 2CD",
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:42.672Z"
        "degrees": [
            "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
            "uk_degree": "083",
            "non_uk_degree": null,
            "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
            "subject": "100425",
            "institution": "0116",
            "graduation_year": 2022,
            "grade": "02",
            "country": null,
            "other_grade": null,
            "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
            "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
            "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Placement(s) not found"

DELETE /trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees/{degree_id}

Deletes an existing degree for this trainee.


DELETE /api/v1.0-pre/trainees/{trainee_id}/degrees/{degree_id}


Parameter In Type Required Description
trainee_id path string true The unique ID of the trainee
degree_id path string true The unique ID of the degree

Possible responses

HTTP 200 - A degree
      "data": [
          "degree_id": "E1phsAcP3hDFMhx19qVGhchR",
          "uk_degree": "083",
          "non_uk_degree": null,
          "created_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
          "updated_at": "2024-01-18T08:02:41.955Z",
          "subject": "100425",
          "institution": "0116",
          "graduation_year": 2022,
          "grade": "02",
          "country": null,
          "other_grade": null,
          "institution_uuid": "0271f34a-2887-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
          "uk_degree_uuid": "db695652-c197-e711-80d8-005056ac45bb",
          "subject_uuid": "bf8170f0-5dce-e911-a985-000d3ab79618",
          "grade_uuid": "e2fe18d4-8655-47cf-ab1a-8c3e0b0f078f"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
      "error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP 404 - Not found
      "errors": [
          "error": "NotFound",
          "message": "Degree(s) not found"


Trainee object


string (limited to 24 characters)

The unique ID of the trainee in the Register system. Used to identify the trainee when using endpoints which require a trainee_id.

Example: 37T2Vm9aipqSVokbhWUMjedu


string (limited to 20 characters)

The unique ID of the trainee in the Provider’s student record system (SRS). Coded according to the HESA provider’s own identifier for student field.

Example: 99157234



The unique ID of the application choice in the Apply system.

Example: 123456


string (limited to 7 characters)

The reference number allocated to each trainee prior to course completion.

Example: 2248531


string (limited to 60 characters), required

The first names of the trainee.

Example: Ruby Joy


string (limited to 60 characters), required

The last name of the trainee.

Example: Smith


string (limited to 60 characters)

The last name of the trainee immediately before their current last name.

Example: Jones


string, required

The date of birth of the trainee. Coded according to the HESA date of birth field

Example: 2000-01-01


string (limited to 2 characters), required

The sex of the trainee. Coded according to the HESA sex identifier field

Example: 10


string (limited to 2 characters)

The nationality of the trainee. Coded according to the HESA nationality field

Example: GB


string (limited to 80 characters), required

The email address of the trainee. Coded according to the HESA email addresses field



string (limited to 3 characters)

The ethnicity of the trainee. Coded according to the HESA ethnicity field. The values for ethnic_background and ethnic_group will be set based on the ethnicity value.

Example: 120

disability1 to disability9

string (limited to 2 characters)

The type of disabilities that the trainee has. Coded according to the HESA disability field

Example: 58


string (limited to 3 characters), required

The general qualification aim of the course in terms of qualifications and professional statuses. Coded according to the HESA ITT qualification aim field

Example: 201


string (limited to 2 characters), required

The training route that the trainee is on. Coded according to the HESA entry route field

Example: 11


string (limited to 3 characters), required if itt_aim is 202

The qualification aim of the trainee’s course. Coded according to the HESA qualification aim field.

Example: 004

course_subject_one, course_subject_two, course_subject_three

string (limited to 6 characters), course_subject_one is required

The subjects included in the trainee’s course. The first subject is the main one. It represents the bursary or scholarship available if applicable. Coded according to the HESA subject of ITT course field.

Example: 100425


string (limited to 2 characters), required

This indicates whether the trainee’s course is full-time or part-time. Coded according to the HESA mode of study field.

Example: 01


string, required

The start date of the Initial Teacher Training part of their course. Dates should be in ISO 8601 format.

Example: 2024-03-11


string, required

The end date of the Initial Teacher Training part of their course. Dates should be in ISO 8601 format.

Example: 2025-03-11


string (limited to 2 characters), required

The year number of the course that the trainee is currently studying. Coded according to the HESA year of course field

Example: 2



The lower bound of the age range of children taught on the course (read-only).

Example: 7



The upper bound of the age range of children taught on the course (read-only).

Example: 11


string (limited to 5 characters), required

The age range of children taught on the course. Coded according to the HESA ITT phase/scope field

Example: 13918


string (limited to 6 characters)

The Unique Reference Number (URN) of the lead partner for the trainee.

Example: 123456


string (limited to 8 characters)

The UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) of the lead partner for the trainee. If lead_partner_urn and lead_partner_ukprn are both provided, the lead_partner_urn will be used.

Example: 12345678



The start date of the trainee on their ITT course. Dates should be in ISO 8601 format.

Example: 2024-03-11



The start date of a trainee’s postgraduate teaching apprenticeship. Dates should be in ISO 8601 format.

Example: 2024-03-11


string (limited to 6 characters)

The Unique Reference Number (URN) of the employing school for School Direct salaried trainees.

Example: 123456


string (limited to 1 characters), required

The funding eligibility of the trainee. Coded according to the HESA fundability code field

Example: 7


string (limited to 1 characters), required

The bursary level awarded to the trainee. Coded according to the HESA bursary level award field

Example: 4


string (limited to 3 characters)

The main training initiative that the trainee is on. Coded according to the HESA initiatives field

Example: 009


string (limited to 3 characters)

The secondary training initiative that the trainee is on. Coded according to the HESA initiatives field

Example: 025


string (limited to 17 characters), required

The HESA unique student identifier for the trainee. Coded according to the HESA unique student identifier field

Example: 1210007145123456


string (limited to 9 characters)

The trainee’s National Insurance number.

Example: BX5867459C

Placement object


string (limited to 24 characters)

The unique ID of the placement in the Register system. Used to identify the placement when updating or deleting.

Example: 4QWdpfb2UJM1gdhKnsyKiVkj


string (limited to 6 characters)

The URN of the school. Coded according to HESA placement school field

Example: 123456


string, required if urn is not provided

The placement school or setting name.

Example: Hedgehogs Nursery


string (limited to 8 characters)

The postcode of the placement school or setting.

Example: AB1 2CD

Degree object


string (limited to 24 characters)

The unique ID of the degree in the Register system. Used to identify the degree when updating or deleting.

Example: 37T2Vm9aipqSVokbhWUMjedu


string (limited to 2 characters), required if degree is not from the UK

The country where the degree was awarded. Coded according to the HESA degree country field

Example: US


string (limited to 2 characters), required if degree is from the UK

The grade of the degree. Coded according to HESA degree class field

Example: 02


string (limited to 3 characters), required if degree is from the UK

The type of UK degree. Coded according to HESA degree type field

Example: 083


string (limited to 3 characters), required if degree is not from the UK

The type of non-UK degree. Coded according to HESA degree type field

Example: 051


string (limited to 6 characters), required

The degree subject. Coded according to HESA degree subject field

Example: 100425


string (limited to 4 characters), required if degree is from the UK

The awarding institution. Coded according to the HESA degree establishment field

Example: 0116


string, required

The year of graduation. Coded according to the HESA degree end date field

Example: 2012-07-31



The locale code `uk` or `non_uk` (read-only).

Example: uk

Field lengths summary

Rule Limit 24 20 7 60 60 60 2 2 80 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 6 6 6 2 2 5 6 6 8 1 1 3 3 17 9 255 24 6 8 24 2 2 3 255 6 4