Bulk recommend trainees for QTS or EYTS

You can use Register trainee teachers (Register) to bulk recommend multiple trainees at the same time for qualified teacher status (QTS) or early years teacher status (EYTS).

You cannot use this process to record other training outcomes or to change trainee or course details.

Find out how to withdraw, defer, reinstate or recommend an individual trainee for QTS or EYTS.

You can change other trainee or course details in an individual trainee’s record. You can also use the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) service if you have access to it.

How to bulk recommend trainees for QTS or EYTS

  1. Make sure you are signed into Register. Click into ‘Bulk updates’ in the main navigation.
  2. Download a CSV file listing the trainees you can recommend for QTS or EYTS.
  3. Fill in the date when each trainee met QTS or EYTS standards.
  4. Upload the CSV file. If there are any errors, fix them and upload the file again.
  5. Check the list of trainees you are going to recommend and then submit your recommendations.

1. Sign into Register

Once you have signed into Register, you can access the bulk recommendation feature.

2. Download a CSV file listing trainees you can recommend for QTS or EYTS

The CSV file includes data for all trainees who have both a teacher reference number (TRN) and either:

  • an expected end date in the past 6 months or the next 6 months
  • no expected end date

The CSV file does not include trainees who have deferred or withdrawn.

If a trainee’s expected end date is not in the period covered by the CSV file, you can choose to either:

  • update their expected end date so that it’s in the past 6 months or the next 6 months
  • recommend them for QTS or EYTS from within their individual trainee record

3. Fill in the date when each trainee met QTS or EYTS standards

The CSV file has a blank column for you to fill in the date when trainees met the QTS or EYTS standards. This may be different to the date when they finish their course or get an academic qualification.

You can only bulk recommend trainees who met the QTS or EYTS standards in the past 12 months. If a trainee met the standards longer ago, you need to recommend them separately from within their trainee record.

If a trainee has not met the standards, you can choose to either:

  • delete the row
  • leave the date blank in the CSV file

Do not make any other changes to the CSV file.

4. Upload the CSV file and fix any errors

You’ll get an error message when you upload the CSV file if you:

  • entered a date which cannot be accepted, such as a date in the future
  • edited any data in the CSV (you cannot change trainee or course details using this process)

If there are any errors in the CSV file, you’ll be able to download a version showing the errors.

You can choose to either:

  • fix the errors
  • skip the errors and continue

If you skip the errors, you’ll only be able to recommend trainees whose data does not have errors. You can fix the errors later and recommend the trainees.

5. Submit your recommendations

After you submit your recommendations, the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) will award the trainees with QTS or EYTS within 3 working days.

The DfE will later send an email to the trainees to tell them that their certificates are available to download from the Access your Teacher Qualifications service.